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2015 Arizona Problem Solving Courts Conference
April 27, 2015 - April 28, 2015
Join fellow criminal justice, healthcare, behavioral health and social work professionals for this 2-day conference to help improve Arizona’s problem solving courts!
The 2015 Arizona Problem Solving Courts Conference will be held Monday and Tuesday, April 27-28, at the Prescott Resort in Prescott, AZ!
This year’s theme is Advancing Justice Together. Join together with hundreds of probation and parole staff, judges, attorneys, behavioral health counselors, social workers, and specialty court coordinators for the latest education on how to improve Arizona’s specialty courts!
Registration is $159 Early Bird (through March 15, 2015); $185 Regular (after March 15).
Register online at www.regonline.com/ProblemSolvingCourts2015
Registration fees include participation in all conference activities and continuing education hours. Parking is complimentary. Lunch is included on Monday, April 27.
Lodging is available at the Prescott Resort (the conference hotel) for $60 per night for Sunday and Monday, April 26 and 27, 2015. To book, call 877-539-5654 and request the group block G 415. Reservations must be made no later than March 24, 2015.
A group room block is also available at the Hassayampa Inn in downtown Prescott. Rooms are discounted to $60 per night based on availability only. Call 928-778-9434 and press 1 to request reservations for the “ASU Arizona Problem Solving Courts Conference.”
Interested in being an event sponsor or exhibitor? Sponsorship brings many benefits, from showing your support of problem solving courts in Arizona to giving your organization exposure among hundreds of participants. Numerous levels and options are available. Click here to learn more.
AADCP resources and information (click here to learn more about AADCP)
- The Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals Website – aadcpweb.wix.com/aadcp
- Navajo County Drug Stories on Facebook –https://www.facebook.com/NavajoCountyDrugStories
Art contest
The 2015 Arizona Problem Solving Court Conference will include an art contest open to current or past problem solving court participants. Conference attendees will vote on their favorite entry and the top three winners will receive gift cards (1st place = $100, 2nd place = $75 and 3rd place = $50). Download the brochure to learn more: first_annual_art_contest.pdf
AADCP award nominations
The Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals is accepting nominations for its annual Commitment to Excellent and Innovation Awards. To learn more and make a nomination, click the links below!
- Click here for information about the AADCP Innovation Award.
- Click here for information about the AADCP Commitment to Excellence Award.
AADCP Executive Board Officer Elections
In 2015 the AADCP Executive Board will elect a new Vice President and Treasurer.
Please click here to make a nomination.
Please visit aadcpweb.wix.com/aadcp to learn more about the Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals, its officers, and its work.